In my profession I am approached with questions: Would I be able to help with the different unsightly spots, bumps or growths that appear on my clients’ skin from brown spots to skin tags to warts (including Plantar Warts)? Would it be possible to treat and rid their skin of these unsightly growths? My answer is usually yes, for most types of skin conditions.
Some common questions about warts: How would I remove them? How effective would the treatment be?
Before I answer, let’s have a look at warts, especially plantar warts. Plantar warts are noncancerous growths on the soles of the feet caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) which enters your body through tiny cuts in the skin. Plantar warts develop beneath the foot pressure points in the heels or balls of your feet. While most plantar warts aren’t a serious health concern, they may be bothersome or painful. There are more than 100 types that occur through direct contact with HPV.
The virus that causes plantar warts thrives in warm, moist environments, such as shower floors, locker rooms and public swimming areas. They are often contracted by walking barefoot in public places. If you have a plantar wart, you can even spread the virus to other places on your own foot by touching or scratching. The virus can also spread by contact with skin shed from a wart.
Everyone’s immune system responds to warts differently, so not everyone who comes in contact with HPV develops warts. Plantar warts are more likely to appear on the feet of people with:
- Multiple exposures to the virus;
- Damaged or cut skin; and
- Sweaty skin.
Treatment options for these warts would typically involve repeated painful freezing procedures and scraping and digging at your skin. You would have to be subjected to this awful procedure every week until the wart was gone, which could sometimes take months to years.
An Incredible (And INCREDIBLY FAST and EFFECTIVE) New Treatment Option for Eliminating Warts
Times have changed and we now have much better treatment options available to us. Lasers are now being used to treat all kinds of problems, and warts are one of them. But not just any laser is appropriate or properly fitted for the job.
One type of laser is perfectly suited for this job: the Nd:Yag 1064 nm. This type of laser uses a wavelength that has the capability of deeply penetrating below the surface of your skin. A Nd:Yag 1064 nm laser is able to target the blood vessels beneath the surface of your skin and heat them in such a way as to effectively cook the wart virus dead and simultaneously cut off the blood supply to your wart. This is all without burning your skin.
Other lasers aren’t able to heat the blood supply long enough, precisely enough or with enough power to achieve real results. The laser is relatively painless in comparison to the other options. It’s over quickly and it’s not that big of a deal.
Laser wart removal treatment only needs to be performed generally once or twice.
To answer the questions asked at the beginning of this article: I would use my Nd:Yag laser with which I treat certain skin growths, including plantar warts. The treatment is safe and effective and one of the fastest-working treatments available.
Laser treatments are the way to go. Your warts don’t stand a chance.